
Standing yoga sequence
Standing yoga sequence

standing yoga sequence

From there, practice these three poses on the other side of your body, stepping your left foot back first.įrom Tadasana, set up Tree Pose on the right side. Step your back foot forward, next to your front foot, returning to Tadasana. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths and notice the support the warming earth gives you, as the sun also shines on your skin. Ground down through the outside edge of your back foot to give you strength and stability. Bend your front knee, and raise your arms, so they are parallel and next to your ears. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths, taking in the fresh, warm spring air all around.įrom Virabhadrasana II, raise your torso back up to vertical and square your chest forward.

standing yoga sequence

Use the back of your front hand on the inside of your front shin to assist with that adjustment.

standing yoga sequence

Reach your top arm up toward the ceiling, aligning your top shoulder over your bottom one. Bring your hand down to the shin or a yoga block. Reach your front arm and ribcage forward and then extend outward, bending laterally toward your front leg.

standing yoga sequence

Reach your arms outward from your shoulders.įind your expansive strength by lifting upward from the bottom ribs as you breathe in, and bending a bit more deeply into your front knee as you breathe out.įrom Virabhadrasana II, straighten your front knee and tiptoe the back foot a few inches forward toward your front foot to set up Trikonasana. Just be mindful that it’s early in your practice and your body might not be thoroughly warmed up yet listen to your body as it guides you, so you’re tuned into poses that you are and aren’t ready to do.įrom Tadasana (Mountain Pose), step your right foot back two or three feet to set up for Virabhadrasana II.Īngle your back foot slightly inward, grounding down through the outer edge. Try different versions of Phalakasana (Plank Pose) (Plank Pose with knees down shown right), Virabhadrasana I, II and III (Warrior Poses), gentle backbends, side bends, and twists that will allow you to celebrate that life within and all around more fully. Feel the life within you.Īdd in any other variations. Notice the warm sun, and the life all around you-trees, flowers, grass, birds, other animals-for which the sun allows. Practice three rounds of Surya Namaskar A (Sun Salutation A) to ensure that your body is fully warmed up. You can certainly use a mat, but be mindful of a couple of things: One, it can make your mat notably dirty and two, your mat can feel like uneven, unsteady ground unless the earth beneath it is flat and even.


If you can find a patch of grass that’s clean and soft, practicing without a mat works just fine. If you're practicing in a public outdoor space, such as a park, most people will pay no mind and let you flow to your heart’s content. The following practice works well outside, but it can also be practiced inside if necessary. How might we assist our bodies with this thawing and opening, as well as celebrating this new energy of spring? You guessed it-yoga! Let’s take a look at a yoga sequence to do just that. Muscles that clenched and huddled inward to guard against the cold of winter begin to release and open. We might notice a new bounce in our step and feel a natural smile on our faces.Īs the world outside thaws, so do our bodies. Spring-flowers are blooming, birds singing, and a feeling of new energy all around.

Standing yoga sequence